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Your personal competencies Autoevalua with:Personal skills for employment

Cahiers du labour market

Cahiers du labour market returning to work after several years without published and renewed again and digital formatin order to share and disseminate, encourage research, analysisand informationon the labour market.

Is publication, which will have a periodicity monthaddresses issues relating to the conduct of the labour market, considering both its evolution and trends, phenomena such as methodologies for analysis, all from various perspectives, visions and territorial areas

Acceso a todos los números de CMT

What are we doing?

The Observatory of occupations in the SEPE provides informationupdated version of the labour market, with a view to improving the employability of workers and to contribute to greater competitiveness of enterprises. For the preparation of this information we study:

  • Thelabour market situationat the state, provincial and municipal levels, since several dimensions of quantitative and qualitative nature - general and specialized in groups of people that is of particular interest for its particular situation in employment: young people, 30 years, women, persons with disabilities, foreigners and persons over 45 years
  • Theprofessional profiles of tenderspresent at the portals of employment, to publicize the characterization of jobs and new competencies required labour
  • Thetrends in employmentin economic activities best placed in the labour market, labour market indicators of occupations and economic activities more recruitment.
  • Thelabour market situation of the productive sectors with better trend in employment.
  • Thethe adjustment between supply and demandof work
  • The data of recruitment and unemployment occupations and ofand university graduates in Vocational training.
  • Thesoft skillsor soft skills more sought after by companies to cover their jobs. This study has been completed with the realization of a questionnaire testing on line: ComPersonal.
  • Analysis of changes in the labour market by the incorporation of innovations, both technological and organizational capacities. These modifications are necessary to become more competitive and modernization

The Observatory of occupations (Fact sheet) is compesto bynetwork of technicians of the SEPEin the central and at the provincial directorates, working in a coordinated manner.

Reports and other publications

  • Reports of prospecting for the training needs of occupations (annually)
  • The Profiles of employment (annually).
  • Reports of the labour market, at the state and provincial levels (year).
  • Reports of the labour market of collectives of interest to the use, state and provincial levels (year): women, youth, persons with disabilities, seniors 45 years, foreigners.
  • Bulletin municipal labour market (annually)
  • Magazine cahiers du Labour market. A biannual magazine digital
  • Chips of the labour market of university graduates and vocational training (year/month).
  • Labour market data of occupations (year/month).
  • Reports of labour market trends (annually)
  • Reports of the match between supply and demand for employment (annually)
  • Chips of occupations and economic activities with Positive Trend in the recruitment, state and provincial levels (year/month).
  • Information concerning the labour market (RMT) (month/year): key indicators of the labour market
  • Basic Data of mobility (DBM): recruitment and geographical mobility as well as sectoral and occupational in Spain, the state, regional and provincial levels (year).
  • Quarterly bulletin of labour market (SOCIO), adopted by the state, regional and provincial levels (quarterly).
  • Catalogue of occupations in order to highlight the gender gap
  • Reports of employment in productive sectors in Spain: Renewable energies, tourism, logistics, etc.
  • Report and self-evaluation questionnaire personal competencies (ComPersonal) to assess the skills allows soft "" more compulsory for employers.

Calendario de publicaciones del Observatorio de las Ocupaciones