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Support measures for individuals and businesses affected by DANA

The DANA october 2024 has left a deep imprint on Spain, especially in the Comunidad Valenciana . Given this situation, the government has implemented a comprehensive package of measures, as reflected in Real Decreto-ley 7 / 2024 , 11 november, to protect their jobs, businesses and vulnerable groups affected. These measures are organized around two main axes: employment and Social security.

Action on employment

The main objective is to protect employment and to address the personal and economic consequences arising out of the DANA. It has deployed a "" labour shield that includes:

  • Recognition of the "grave and imminent risk": Recognizes the DANA and its impact as a "grave and imminent risk" according to the prevention of occupational risks. This means that workers have the right to discontinue their activity, leave the workplace or not to be here at the same if their safety is at risk.
  • Paid leavePermissions: Establishes paid and non-recoverable for situations such as:
    • Inability to go to workby DANA.
    • Removal, cleaning or refurbishment of habitual abode.
    • Recoverytools and personal effects.
    • Obtaining official records.
    • Deathor disappearance of family members.
    • Duties care(deploying an Mecuida Planextraordinary).
  • Adaptation and day: A statutory right to modify or reduce working hours for care duties not included in the paid leave.
  • Extension of rights: The measures extend to the labour relations of the special nature and guaranteeing their judicial control through social jurisdiction.

ERTES as a tool of protection

The Files of Temporary Regulation of employment (ERTE) are configured as a key tool to protect jobs in the affected areas. The following measures:

  • Expansion of ERTEFurther: coverage of ERTEby force majeure to companies directly or indirectly affected by the DANA, including those that suffer losses of activity as a result of the same.
  • Streamlining of procedures: Speeds up the processing of ERTE potestativos, making the reports of the inspection of labour and Social security.
  • Unemployment benefit: Through submission of a collective applicationby the beneficiary of a ERTE, access is provided to unemployment benefit for workers affected by the same, eliminating the lack of, and to maintain the level at 70 per cent of the regulatory base.
  • Protection of domestic employment: Recognizes the right to the suspension of contract and reduced working hours for the service of the family home, with access to unemployment benefit in the same conditions as other workers.
  • Prohibition of dismissal: Prohibits the dismissal in companies that benefit from direct aid or related ERTE DANA. In the event of, shall be considered null and void and the company should return the aid.

In this link you will find all the information on unemployment benefits.

Employment Plan for the recruitment of unemployed persons in areas affected by DANA

For the reconstruction work, the public employment service will State the amount of 50 . 000 . 000 eurofor the recruitment of unemployed persons in the autonomous communities with municipalities affected by the DANA. This plan has two objectives:

  • Contribute to the work of reconstructionin the affected areas through the direct grants to finance the recruitment of unemployed persons registered as a jobseeker.
  • Cover wage costsderived from the contracts under the programme of entering the labour market through construction or services of general interest and social council.

Protection of the entities of the social economy:

  • Extends the shield to cooperatives and their partners, to ensure that workers can reap the benefits on a par with the rest of workers.


All these actions are contained in the Decreto-ley Real 7 / 2024 , 11 novemberto take urgent measures to the momentum of the Plan of immediate response, reconstruction and recovery from harm caused by Isolated depression at high levels (DANA) in different municipalities between 28 october 4 november 2024 .

Resolution 12 november 2024 , the public employment service, which regulates the electronic procedure the procedure of recognition of unemployment benefits.

Alleviating the consequences of the DANA

Through these extraordinary measures and urgent action is intended to alleviate the negative effects that the DANA has had on the employment of persons and economic activity of the companies concerned.